N.I. 32.21. Aclaraciones Paquete Movilidad

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1. Nº 32.21 Madrid, 10 de marzo de 2021 AC LARACIONES PAQUETE MOVILIDAD

3. a los servicios de la CE que proporcionen respuesta s oficiales urgentes a esas preguntas. Hay que agradecer que se obtuviese respuesta positiva, aunque no completa, y que con ese motivo se haya publicado un conjunto de respuestas a 12 de las citadas preguntas en el sitio web de la CE que han sido traducidas en todos los idiomas oficiales de la UE, de modo que puedan ser útiles a la hora de defender las posibles discrepancias entre empresas de transporte y autoridades en cualquier país. La versión en español de dicho documento puede encontrarla usted en nuestra web haciendo click en este enlace: http://www.astic.net/slides/slide/preguntas-y- respuestas-sobre- el -paquete- de - la -movilidad-1- 3447 Como algunas de las preguntas iniciales aún no han sido respondidas, esperamos verlas aclaradas también lo antes posible y le daremos a usted y al resto de miembros de esta asociación la correspondiente información. Desde ASTIC hemos seguido aportando a IRU, y esta organización ha seguido recopilando otros puntos poco claros con respecto a la interpretación de las reglas de conducción y tiempo de descanso. Con el fin de enviar una nueva carta a las autoridades de Bruselas con “Preguntas Clave” en est e asunto de los tiempos de conducción y descanso y, además, pedir a los servicios de la CE que proporcionen urgentemente respuestas oficiales a esas preguntas. Esta colección de nuevas cuestiones puede encontrarla, si tiene interés en consultarla, en nuestra web a través del siguiente enlace: http://www.astic.net/slides/slide/preguntas-sobre- las-nuevas-reglas- de -conduccion-y-tiempo- de - descanso-3448 Si antes del mediodía del viernes próximo quiere usted realizar alguna aportación a dicho conjunto d e preguntas, por favor, hágalo enviando un email a [email protected] y procuraremos que se incluya en la carta que, como decíamos, se va a enviar con urgencia a la CE.

4. Además de las preguntas y respuestas, pediremos que incluyan en su respuesta pública oficial varios ejemplos sobre cómo hacer uso de la nueva derogación que permite dos descansos semanales reducidos consecutivos para el transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera . Para facilitar esto, se le propondrán varios escenarios (véase documento adjunto a este email) y solicitaremos la validación de la legalidad por par te de la CE a través de la respuesta oficial. La interpretación común, el cumplimiento y la aplicación armonizada en toda Europa son clave para una implementación exitosa de las nuevas reglas de conducción y tiempos de descanso. Teniendo en cuenta la urgencia de la situación, dad o que esta parte del Paquete de Movilidad ya es aplicable desde agosto de 2020, se va a pedir, de nuevo, que la CE pueda proporcionar urgentemente las aclaraciones y orientaciones necesarias a todas las partes interesadas relevantes: operadores de transporte, conductores y autoridades encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley. Además de las cuestiones de interpretación legal, existe la necesidad de seguridad jurídica también con respecto al tipo de infracción y las sanciones previstas por infracciones de las normas de conducción y tiempos de descanso. Dado que estas disposiciones son nacionales, difíciles de encontra r y, a menudo, no están disponibles en los idiomas comúnmente comprendidos por los conductores internacionales, pediremos a la CE que recopile y publique en su sitio web la lista de infracciones, su clasificación y las multas aplicables en cada Estado miembro de la UE. C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 74, 3 planta - 28006 MADRID Tlf.: 91 451 48 01 / 07 – Fax: 91 395 28 23 E-mail: [email protected] Nota: Prohibida la edición, distribución y puesta en red, total o parcial, de esta información si n la autorización de A ST IC

2. Nº 32.21 Madrid, 10 de marzo de 2021 AC LARACIONES PAQUETE MOVILIDAD Como seguramente conoce, a raíz de la aprobación del llamado “Mobility Package” el pasado verano, desde esta asociación se emitieron una serie de informaciones específicas acerca de los extremos que se podían considerar de mayor relevancia dentro de las muy amplias modificaciones que dicho “paquete” normativo introduce en la regulación europea del transporte por carretera. Puede usted encontrarlas en el siguiente enlace: http://www.astic.net/slides/paquete- de -movilidad- 11 Quedan, no obstante, numerosos extremos que aún requieren aclaración por parte de las autoridades europeas. Hay que lamentar que esto sea así dado el enorme lapso de tiempo consumido en la tramitación del famoso “paquete de carretera”, pero lo cierto e s que, tras tantas negociaciones a todos los niveles y con tantos intereses y actores en juego (desde los propios Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, su Consejo, la misma Comisión, los Europarlamentarios de distintas procedencias y especialidades, los sindicatos y, naturalmente, los representantes empresariales del sector), finalmente hubo que co njugar tantas facetas que el texto definitivo adolece de bastantes “indeterminaciones” que hay que solventar ahora para otorgar seguridad jurídica a todos los afectados , desde las empresas a los conductores, pasando por los agentes y hasta los clientes. En este sentido, a través del órgano CAS (Comité de Asuntos Sociales) de IRU, del cual es Vicepresident e nuestro Director Técnico, José Manuel Pardo , ya el pasado octubre de 2020 se envió una carta a la DG Move de la CE, en la que se le presentaba un primer conjunto de preguntas clave sobre la interpretación de las nuevas reglas de conducción y tiempo de descanso en el marco del Paquete de Movilidad 1 , solicitando en dicha carta

6. Mobility package - examples weekly rest V3.1 (from 20-08-2020) Regular WR shall be taken in suitable gender-friendly accommodation with adequate sleepin g and sanitary facilities (from 20-08-2020) Drivers are able to return to the employer's operational centre where the driver is normally based and where the driver's weekly rest p eriod begins, in the Member State of the employer's establishment, or to return to the drivers'place of residence Grey is rest. For example 45(1) means 45 hours assig ned to week 1. 21(c5) means compensation from week 5 . 24(-) means it is not assigned to any week. Orange is driving time, working time and daily rest Below a number of important points for attention: 561 definition of weekly rest period : 'means the weekly period during which a driver may freely dispose of his time and covers a ‘regular weekly rest period’ and a ‘reduced weekly rest" period’ A reduced weekly rest is any rest shorter than 45 hour s. There are different examples (24, 30, 36 40 hours) . Weekly driving time (56 hours) and two weekly driving times (90 hours). Week is from Monday 0:00 - Sunday 24:00. Register travelling time (when return home driver) , in accordance with Article 9, correctly in the ta chograph. A weekly rest period that spans two weeks may be counted in either but not in both. (the num ber of hours is in the weeks that is counted) (Source: TRACE) "More weekly rests than the minimum required weekly res ts are allowed and don’t need to be compensated" (S ource: Corte Calculation Rules Methodology version 1.9. page 22) A driver is required to start a weekly rest period no la ter than 144 hours (6X24 hours) since the compleƟon of the previous qualifying weekly rest period. Where two reduced weekly rest periods have been taken c onsecutively, the next weekly rest period shall be preceded by a rest period taken as compensation for those two r educed weekly rest periods. (561 art 8 par 6b) A daily rest period may be extended to make a regular weekly rest period or a reduced weekly rest period ( 561 art 8 par 3). In all examples it is assumed that a normal weekly res t is available in week 0 Example 5 Three weeks on and one week off A weekly rest period that spans two weeks may be counte d in either but not in both. For example the weekly rest in week 2 starts on Sunday week 1 and ends on Mond ay week 2. The same in week 3, 5 and 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 45(1) 21(c6)+9(c7)+ 45(8)+xx+ 45(9) Example 6 In week 3 on Wednesday and Thursday no work. Compensat ion reduced weekly rest from week 1 and 2 on Saturday /Sunday (week 3 and 7) return home driver for a redu ced weekly rest The 40 hours reduced weekly rest in week 3 is extra and don't have to be compensated. The regular weekly rest in week 3 and 7 has to start latest at Sunday 23:59 hour. The regular weekly rest starts after the compensation. Compensation of the reduced weekly rest from week 1 an d 2 has to be finished before Sunday week 3 and week 7 at 23:59. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 30(1) 30(2) 30(-) 24(-) Example 7 Difference with example 6 is week 4 and week 8. In thi s example these weeks are completly rest. On Saturday return home driver for compensation wee k 1 and 2 preceeding a regular weekly rest untill nex t week. Starting the new week with a regular weekly re st 45(5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 30 (1) 30 (2) 30 (5) 24(-) 30(2) 24(3) 24(6) 40(-) 40(-) 15(c1)+15(c2) +45(3) 36(7) 40(6) 15(c2)+21(c3) + 45(4) 45(4) 45(5) 15(c1)+15(c2) +45(3) 45(4) 45(8 45 (5) 40(6) 5(c6)+45(7) 45(8) 45 (9) 15(c5)+5(c6)+45(7) 45(4)

7. Mobility package - examples weekly rest V3.1 (from 20-08-2020) Regular WR shall be taken in suitable gender-friendly accommodation with adequate sleepin g and sanitary facilities (from 20-08-2020) Drivers are able to return to the employer's operational centre where the driver is normally based and where the driver's weekly rest p eriod begins, in the Member State of the employer's establishment, or to return to the drivers'place of residence Grey is rest. For example 45(1) means 45 hours assig ned to week 1. 21(c5) means compensation from week 5 . 24(-) means it is not assigned to any week. Orange is driving time, working time and daily rest Below a number of important points for attention: 561 definition of weekly rest period : 'means the weekly period during which a driver may freely dispose of his time and covers a ‘regular weekly rest period’ and a ‘reduced weekly rest" period’ A reduced weekly rest is any rest shorter than 45 hour s. There are different examples (24, 30, 36 40 hours) . Weekly driving time (56 hours) and two weekly driving times (90 hours). Week is from Monday 0:00 - Sunday 24:00. Register travelling time (when return home driver) , in accordance with Article 9, correctly in the ta chograph. A weekly rest period that spans two weeks may be counted in either but not in both. (the num ber of hours is in the weeks that is counted) (Source: TRACE) "More weekly rests than the minimum required weekly res ts are allowed and don’t need to be compensated" (S ource: Corte Calculation Rules Methodology version 1.9. page 22) A driver is required to start a weekly rest period no la ter than 144 hours (6X24 hours) since the compleƟon of the previous qualifying weekly rest period. Where two reduced weekly rest periods have been taken c onsecutively, the next weekly rest period shall be preceded by a rest period taken as compensation for those two r educed weekly rest periods. (561 art 8 par 6b) A daily rest period may be extended to make a regular weekly rest period or a reduced weekly rest period ( 561 art 8 par 3). In all examples it is assumed that a normal weekly res t is available in week 0 Example 8 Three weeks on and one week off with two reduced wee kly rest counted as one (was also possible before 20-08 -2020) A weekly rest period that spans two weeks may be counte d in either but not in both. For example the weekly rest in week 2 starts on Sunday week 1 and ends on Mond ay week 2. The same in week 3, 5 and 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 45(1) Example 9 The same as example 9 but with the new possillity of two reduced weekly rest it is possible to create a five week schedule. The first reduced weekly rest is assigned to week 2, t he second reduced weekly rest is extra, the third re duced weekly rest is assigned to week 3. So there are ' only' two reduced weekly rests counting. Before starting the compensation preceeding the norm al weekly rest the driver is back in the country of op erational centre in week 4 (for example on Sunday) The same second 'period' starts at Monday week 6. The compensation of the reduced weekly rest of week 2 and 3 is Saturday/Sunday. The regular weekly rest of week 4 has to start at the latest 6 times 24 hours after the previous weekly rest and before Monday 0:00 hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 45(1) Example 10 Occasionally driver which is home every day Example that shows the possebility of many reduced week ly rests 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 24(1) 24(-) 24(-) 24(2) 24(-) 24(-) 24(-) 24(-) 24(-) 24(-) 24(7) 24(-) 24(-) 24(8) 45(4) 45(6) 45(5) 21(c1)+21(c2)45(3) 15(c2)11(c3) + 45(4) 45(5) 45(3)+15(c2) 45(4) 45(8) 36(8) 30(2) 24(-) 34(3) 45(6) 30(7) 24(-) 30(2) 24(-) 24(6) 36(-) 45(7)+21(c5) 45(5)

5. Mobility package - examples weekly rest V3.1 (from 20-08-2020) Regular WR shall be taken in suitable gender-friendly accommodation with adequate sleepin g and sanitary facilities (from 20-08-2020) Drivers are able to return to the employer's operational centre where the driver is normally based and where the driver's weekly rest p eriod begins, in the Member State of the employer's establishment, or to return to the drivers'place of residence Grey is rest. For example 45(1) means 45 hours assig ned to week 1. 21(c5) means compensation from week 5 . 24(-) means it is not assigned to any week. Orange is driving time, working time and daily rest Below a number of important points for attention: 561 definition of weekly rest period : 'means the weekly period during which a driver may freely dispose of his time and covers a ‘regular weekly rest period’ and a ‘reduced weekly rest" period’ A reduced weekly rest is any rest shorter than 45 hour s. There are different examples (24, 30, 36 40 hours) . Weekly driving time (56 hours) and two weekly driving times (90 hours). Week is from Monday 0:00 - Sunday 24:00. Register travelling time (when return home driver) , in accordance with Article 9, correctly in the ta chograph. A weekly rest period that spans two weeks may be counted in either but not in both. (the num ber of hours is in the weeks that is counted) (Source: TRACE) "More weekly rests than the minimum required weekly res ts are allowed and don’t need to be compensated" (S ource: Corte Calculation Rules Methodology version 1.9. page 22) A driver is required to start a weekly rest period no la ter than 144 hours (6X24 hours) since the compleƟon of the previous qualifying weekly rest period. Where two reduced weekly rest periods have been taken c onsecutively, the next weekly rest period shall be preceded by a rest period taken as compensation for those two r educed weekly rest periods. (561 art 8 par 6b) A daily rest period may be extended to make a regular weekly rest period or a reduced weekly rest period ( 561 art 8 par 3). In all examples it is assumed that a normal weekly res t is available in week 0 Example 1 One regular and one reduced weekly rest In this example week 3 is a regular weekly rest includ ing return home driver. In week 7 also a regular wee kly rest at home including compensation from week 4. "Any reduction in weekly rest period shall be compens ated by an equivalent period of rest taken en bloc b efore the end of the third week following the week in question." (561 art 8 par 6b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 24 (2) 24(4) 24(6) 24(8) Example 2 One regular and one reduced weekly rest "Any reduction in weekly rest period shall be compens ated by an equivalent period of rest taken en bloc b efore the end of the third week following the week in question." (561 art 8 par 6b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 24(3) 30(5) 24(7) Example 3 Two consecuƟve reduced weekly rest periods outside the Member State of the employer's establishmentand the country of the drivers' place of residence The regular weekly rest in week 4 and 8 has to start l atest at Sunday 23:59 hour. The regular weekly rest starts after the compensation of the two reduced weekly rests is completed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 24(3) 24(6) 24(7) Example 4 Two consecuƟve reduced weekly rest periods outside the Member State of the employer's establishmentand the country of the drivers' place of residence The regular weekly rest in week 3 and 7 has to start latest at Sunday 23:59 hour. The regular weekly rest starts after the compensation of the two reduced weekly rests is completed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 24(2) 24(5) 45(1) 45(5) 42 (c6+c7) + 45(8) 45 (1) 45(5)+21 (c2) 45(3) 45(7)+21 (c4) 36(1) 45(4)+9(c1) 45(6)+21 (c3) 45(8)+15 (c5) 45(2) 30(2) 15(c2)+21(c3)+ 45(4) 45(8) 36(1) 30(6) 9(c1)+21(c2) + 45(3) 45(4) 21(c5)+15(c6) + 45(7)


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