N.I. 42.20. Resumen excepciones vigentes tiempos conducción y descanso por covid19

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2. Nº 42. 20 Madrid, 19 de marzo de 20 20 R ES UMEN EXCEPCIONES VIGENTES TIEMPOS CONDUCCIÓN Y DESCANSO POR COVID19 Como habrá podido comprobar usted por las informaciones que diariamente le hacemos llegar, los Estados Miembros de la Unión Europea no han logrado aún alcanzar una coordinación tanto en lo que respecta al modo y alcance de las restricciones a la movilidad de personas y mercancías (cierres o controles fronterizos, etc.) como en lo que respecta a medidas de “relajación” de la normativa de restricciones al tránsito o de los tiempos de conducción y descanso. Aunque estas últimas se están generalizando y la Comisión Europea ha recomendado específicamente qu é es necesario “relajar” y qu é no lo es tanto en los artículos del Reg. 561/2006, aún resulta dispar y, en aras de que su empresa, dedicada al transporte internacional, pueda contar con un resumen de ello, hemos querido hacerle llegar este documento confeccionado por IRU, en el que se incluye España, país del cual tiene usted extensa explicación en el email que le hicimos llegar ayer. El documento que ponemos en su conocimiento ahora está en lengua inglesa (esperamos que eso no sea un obstáculo insalvable) y en el mismo verá usted 7 columnas que identifican al Estado Miembro (MS) las circunstancias excepcionales que dicho MS argumenta p ara proceder a la “suspensión temporal” (tal como exige el propio reglamento en su artículo 14.2) y que verá usted que son muy similares como también lo es el periodo de aplicación que se especifica en la siguiente columna. Más variación hay en la siguiente columna que especifica las categorías de transporte y conductores a los que afecta y aún también la hay en cuanto a los apartados del reglamento a los que se aplica la

3. suspensión, información que aparece en la quinta columna. Las dos siguientes están dedicadas simplemente a cuándo y cómo se ha dado a conocer y si se ha procedido a la correspondiente notificación de todo ello al resto de MS y a la propia CE. Hay todavía dos países, como son Austria y República Checa, de los que se espera aclaraciones adicionales para poder comprender bien por parte del sector el alcance de las medidas que han publicado. C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 74, 3 planta - 28006 MADRID Tlf.: 91 451 48 01 / 07 – Fax: 91 395 28 23 E-mail: [email protected] Nota: Prohibida la edición, distribución y puesta en red, total o parcial, de esta información si n la autorización de A ST IC

5. - Between distribution centres and transport hub trunking - Transport hub deliveries to stores This exemption does not apply to drivers undertaking deliveries directly to consumers . fortnightly driving limit of 90 hours with one of 96 hours; - Art. 7 : replacement of the minimum daily breaks requirements by imposing a break of 45 minutes after 5 and a half hours; - Art. 8(1) : Reduction of the daily rest requirements from 11 to 9 hours; BE Ensure national supply of goods 19/03/2020 - 31/ 03 /2020 Drivers involved in the supply chain relating to essential goods and medicine. - Art. 6(2) : replacement of the maximum weekly driving limit of 56 hours with one of 60 hours; - Art. 6(3) : replacement of the maximum fortnightly driving limit of 90 hours with one of 96 hours ; - Art. 8(6) : postponement of a weekly rest period beyond six-24 hours period. Notified on 18/03/2020 By BE Transport Ministry Notified to all MS BE Ensure national supply of goods 14/03/2020 - 18/03/2020 Transport of food, medication and other life essential goods to shops and pharmacies Not specified Notified on 14/03/2020 By Transport Ministry Notified to all MS BG Ensure national supply of goods 19/03/2020 - 13/04/2020 National and international transport of goods - Art. 6(1) : replacement of the maximum daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours; - Art. 7 : replacement of the minimum daily breaks requirements by imposing a break of 45 minutes after 5 and a half hours; - Art. 8(6) : reduction of the regular weekly rest period from 45 hours to 24 hours. Notified on 17/03/2020 By BG Perm Rep to EU Notified to all MS RO Ensure national supply of goods 18/03/2020 - 16/04/2020 National and international transport of goods - Art. 6(1) : replacement of the maximum daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours; - Art. 7 : replacement of the minimum daily breaks requirements by imposing a break of 45 minutes after 5 and a half hours - Art. 8(1) : Reduction of the daily rest requirements from 11 to 9 hours; - Art. 8(6) : postponement of a weekly rest period beyond six-24 hours period. Notified on 17/03/2020 By RO Perm Rep to EU Notified to all MS

6. II. Temporary exceptions granted by Member States due to the COVID-19 outbreak – Further clarifications needed MS Exceptional circumstances linked to COVID- 19 Period Categories of transport/drivers Provisions from Regulation 561/2006 derogated from Date of notification Notified by: Status AUSTRIA Ensure national supply of goods and avoid bottlenecks 14/03 – 12/04/2020 TBC TBC Notified on 16/03/2020 By Transport Ministry Request for clarification sent to AT CZECH REPUBLIC Ensure national supply of goods 16/03 – 14/04/2020 All transport of goods in the Czech Republic TBC Notified on 16/03/2020 By Ministry of Transport Request for clarification sent to CZ ES Ensure national supply of goods 14/03/2020 - 28/03/2020 All transport of goods in Spain - Art. 6(1) : lifting the daily driving time limit - Art. 8(6) : provisions on weekly rest periods Notified on 17/03/2020 By Transport Ministry Notified to all MS SE Ensure national supply of goods 16/03/2020 - 14/04/2020 All national transport of goods and passengers in Sweden - Art. 8(2) : daily rest period of at least 9 consecutive hours within 24 hour period - Art. 8(6) : continuous rest period of at least 24 hours shall be considered as a weekly rest period without any compensation - Art. 6 : daily, weekly and the fortnightly driving time limits can be extended as long as rest requirement and breaks in Reg. 561/2006 are complied with. Notified on 16/03/2020 By Swedish Transport Agency Notified to all MS DK Ensure national supply of goods 13/03/2020 - 22/03/2020 All national transport of goods in Denmark Art. 8(6) : postponement of the requirement for a weekly rest period during the specified period Notified on 13/03/2020 Danish Road Traffic Authority Notified to all MS

4. I. Temporary exceptions granted by Member States due to the COVID-19 outbreak – Notified by COM MS Exceptional circumstances linked to COVID- 19 Period Categories of transport/drivers Provisions from Regulation 561/2006 derogated from Date of notification Notified by: Status PL Ensure national supply of goods 18/03/2020 - 16/04/2020 Domestic and international transport of goods and passengers - Art. 6(1) : replacement of the maximum daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours; - Art. 6(2) : replacement of the maximum weekly driving limit of 56 hours with one of 60 hours; - Art. 6(3) : replacement of the maximum fortnightly driving limit of 90 hours with one of 96 hours; - Art. 7 : replacement of the minimum daily breaks requirements by imposing a break of 45 minutes after 5 and a half hours. Notified on 18/03/2020 By PL Ministry of Infrastructure Notified to all MS IE Ensure national supply of goods 18/03/2020 16/04/2020 Domestic and international transport of goods - Art. 6(3) : the fortnightly driving limit is lifted from 90 hours to 112 hours. - Art . (6) : at least two reduced weekly rest periods in any two consecutive weeks . No requirement for compensation or for a regular weekly rest period to be taken. No postponement of the requirement to start a weekly rest period after six-24 hours periods . Notified on 18/03/2020 By IE Transport Ministry Notified to all MS UK Ensure national supply of goods 18/03/2020 - 16/04/2020 Delivery of food, non-food (personal care and household paper and cleaning) and over the counter pharmaceuticals when undertaking the following journeys in England, Scotland and Wales: - Distribution centre to stores (or fulfilment centre) - From manufacturer or supplier to distribution centre (including backhaul collections) - From manufacturer or supplier to store (or fulfilment centre) - Art. 6(1) : replacement of the maximum daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours; OR - Art 8(6) : Postponement of the requirement to start a weekly rest period after six-24 hours periods, for after seven 24 hours period; although two regular weekly rest periods or a regular and a reduced weekly rest period will still be required within a fortnight; - Art. 6(2) : replacement of the maximum weekly driving limit of 56 hours with one of 60 hours; - Art. 6(3) : replacement of the maximum Notified on 18/03/2020 By UK Transport Ministry Notified to all MS


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