N.I. 100.16. Alemania. Salario minimo

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2. Legal consequences of non-compliance Failure to comply with the notification obliga- tion can result in a fine of up to € 30,000. Employers who have been punished with a fine of at least € 2,500 for an infringement of the Minimum Wage Act or the Posted Workers Act may be excluded from competing for public supply, works or service contracts. Minimum Wage Registration Website Information about the launch of the electronic minimum wage registration website on 1 January 2017 ZOLL Service You can find information about posting foreign workers to Germany here: www.zoll.de > Businesses > Work The central information unit at German customs is available to answer any questions about the obligations to cooperate, give notification, and keep records as well as other obligations under the Minimum Wage Act, the Posted Workers Act and the Provision of Temporary Workers Act where the German customs administration is responsible for monitoring compliance. The helpline is available Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm. Tel.: +49 (0) 3 51 / 4 48 34 – 5 30 Fax: +49 (0) 351 / 4 48 34 – 5 90 E-mail: [email protected] IMPRESSUM Published by : Generalzolldirektion Am Propsthof 78a 53121 Bonn Germany Last updated: Oktober 2016 Registration number : 90 SAB 263 en (english-englisch) Design and production : Generalzolldirektion, Bildungs- und Wissenschaftszentrum der Bundesinanzverwaltung Photos : Generalzolldirektion, Bildungs- und Wissenschaftszentrum der Bundesinanzverwaltung, MEV

1. Nº 100 .1 6 Madrid, 9 de diciembre de 2016 SALARIO MÍNIMO ALEMÁN (MiLoG) REGISTRO ELECTRÓNICO A PARTIR DEL 1 DE ENERO DE 2017 Le informamos de que el Ministerio de Finanzas alemán y la Administración de Aduanas están introduciendo un nuevo procedimiento de registro “ online ” donde los empleadores extranjeros pueden registrar a su s empleados enviados a Alemania . El procedimiento de registro en sí no cambia. La inscripción “ online ” será posible a través del enlace www.meldeportal-mindestlohn.de (todavía en construcción). Los formularios electrónicos de inscripción también estarán disponibles en diferentes idiomas. Tenga en cuenta que la inscripción por fax seguirá siendo posible hasta el 30 de junio de 2017. Adjunto encontrará el folleto informativo en inglés. C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 74, 3 planta - 28006 MADRID Tlf.: 91 451 48 01 / 07 – Fax: 91 395 28 23 E-mail: [email protected] Nota: Prohibida la edición, distribución y puesta en red, total o parcial, de esta i nformación si n la autorización de A.S.T.I.C.

3. How does the minimum wage registration website work? The minimum wage registration website can be accessed via the German Customs website www.zoll.de under the “Services and databases” section or directly at www.meldeportal-mindestlohn.de In order to submit a registration, it is necessary to first create a user account with a personal password. This protects your data from unauthorised access. On the registration website, employers and users of labour can access the online forms (which are the same as the previously available printed forms) in English, German and French: ■ Notification - Employer ■ Operational schedule - Employer (stationary activity) ■ Operational schedule - Employer (mobile activity) ■ Notiication - User of labour ■ Operational schedule - User of labour (stationary activity) ■ Operational schedule - User of labour (mobile activity) The forms can be filled out quickly thanks to easy-to-use menus. You can save your work at any time and resume filling out the forms later. After the forms are submit- ted, the notification is automatically saved in your user account. In the case of temporary workers supplied by an agency, forms for the supplier’s assurance declaration are available. Suppliers can download the form without having to set up their own user account. You can find more information about the minimum wage registration website under the section “Questions and answers” on the website itself. Am I obliged to submit a notification? Pursuant to section 16 subsection (1) of the Minimum Wage Act (Mindestlohngesetz) and section 18 subsec- tion (1) of the Posted Workers Act (Arbeitnehmer-Ent- sendegesetz), employers domiciled outside Germany are obliged to register workers posted to Germany with the Central Customs Authority (Generalzolldirektion) if these workers are employed either ■ in one of the sectors listed in section 2 a of the Act to Combat Illegal Work (Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfungsgesetz) or ■ in one of the sectors covered by section 4 of the Posted Workers Act. Pursuant to section 16 subsection (3) of the Minimum Wage Act, section 18 subsection (3) of the Posted Workers Act and section 17 b subsection (1) of the Provision of Temporary Workers Act (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungs- gesetz), the same applies to companies that use workers leased from an agency domiciled outside Germany, when these temporary workers work in Germany. Pursuant to section 16 subsection (4) of the Minimum Wage Act, section 18 subsection (4) of the Posted Workers Act and section 17 b subsection (2) of the Provision of Temporary Workers Act, users of labour are obliged to submit a supplier’s assurance declaration together with the notification of the temporary workers. What is new? As of 1 January 2017, employers domiciled outside Germany are required to register workers posted to Germany online using the minimum wage registration website. The same applies to businesses that use workers leased from an agency domiciled outside Germany. The new online registration system means less work for businesses that are required to register workers. Notifications may still be submitted by fax to the usual fax number during a transitional period until 30 June 2017. After this date, registration by fax will no longer be possible. What are the advantages of online registration? ■ No postal or fax costs ■ Quicker and easier registration ■ Copy, save and print functions ■ ■ ■


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