N.I. 92.16. Solicitud moratoria salario minimo

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1. Nº 92 .1 6 Madrid, 23 de noviembre de 2016 SOLICITUD DE MORATORIA EN LA APLICACIÓN DE LAS LEYES DE SALARIO MÍNIMO Como ya es conocido, nuestra asociación, ASTIC, junto a otras homólogas europeas está presionando constantemente para evitar que siga en vigor la tremenda inseguridad jurídica que suponen las leyes de salario mínimo, en particular la alemana, conocida como MiLoG, y la francesa, que se ha dado en bautizar como Ley Macrón, además de la carga burocrática y económica que medidas de ese tipo suponen para muchas de nuestras empresas. Nuestro presidente ha enviado sendas cartas formales a los gobiernos francés y alemán en las que, además de reiterar nuestro convencimiento sobre la inadecuación legal de dichas normas a la estructura legislativa europea, advierte de que cuando finalmente se oficialice vía Comisión Europea o vía Tribunal de Justicia Europeo su ilegalidad, nuestra asociación requerirá las compensaciones económicas correspondientes en favor de las empresas de ASTIC afectadas durante todo el período que dichas normas sigan en vigor. Además, junto al resto de asociaciones que comparten en Europa nuestra posición contraria a estas leyes, hemos instado a que IRU se pronunciase al respecto y actuase en consecuencia. Se trata con este escrito de informarle sobre la decisión de IRU, tomada el 3 de noviembre pasado en una reunión en Ginebra, en la que ASTIC estuvo también presente, de invitar a las autoridades alemanas y francesas a establecer una moratoria inmediata de los controles que el MiLoG y Loi Macron han puesto en marcha contra el transporte internacional por carretera. El 9 de noviembre de 2016 se lanzó un comunicado de prensa de la IRU publicado (véase aquí https://www.iru.org/resources/newsroom/stop-german-

2. french-minimum-wage-legislation-international- transport ) informando sobre la decisión de las Reuniones Estatutarias de la IRU del día 3 mencionadas anteriormente. El 22 de noviembre de 2016 se envían cartas de la IRU firmadas por su Secretario General solicitando la moratoria inmediata enviada a (véanse los anexos): Alemania: Andrea Nahles (Ministra de Trabajo) Wolfgang Schauble (Ministro de Hacienda) Alexander Dobrindt (Ministro de Transportes) Francia: Alain Vidalies (Secretario de Estado de Transportes) Por otra parte, la Secretaría de la IRU está preparando una carta a la Comisaria Europea de Transportes, Violeta Bulc, relativa a los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea que preparan legislación similar (como Italia o Austria), informando del llamamiento de IRU para una moratoria. La IRU también instará a la CE a ultimar los procedimientos de infracción abiertos y a presentar las i ni ciativas del llamado paquete de carretera lo más pronto posible. Está siendo un camino largo y difícil, con escasos frutos por el momento, pero creemos que tenemos razón en nuestros planteamientos y nos satisface que la propia organización internacional de la carretera los respalde. C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 74, 3 planta - 28006 MADRID Tlf.: 91 451 48 01 / 07 – Fax: 91 395 28 23 E-mail: [email protected] Nota: Prohibida la edición, distribución y puesta en red, total o parcial, de esta i nformación si n la autorización de A.S.T.I.C.

4. iru.org Herr Alexander Dobrindt Bundesminister für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktu Invalidenstr. 44 10115 Berlin GERMANY By email and post CTM/BR1042166/UDP Brussels, 22 November 2016 CALL FOR MORATORIUM ON MINIMUM WAGE CONTROLS Dear Minister Dobrindt, As the world’s road transport organisation, IRU has repeatedly voiced its concerns regarding the practical implications of the German law introducing a minimum wage and other obligations on national and cross-border road freight and passenger transport operations (MiLoG). MiLoG's provisions represent an immense and unprecedented additional administrative and financial burden for road transport operators, especially those based outside Germany. These German national measures are also subject to infringement proceedings by the European Commission on the grounds of their proportionality. Such measures will have a profound impact on the industry, and therefore, before MiLoG is introduced, it is crucial to provide road transport operators with sufficient information and a reasonable transition period, as the lack of practical guidance on how they should comply with the new law continues to be an additional source of concern. Consequently, I am writing to inform you that during the meetings of the IRU Passenger Transport Council and IRU Goods Transport Council, held on 3 November 2016, IRU members decided to call on German authorities to introduce an immediate moratorium on the MiLoG controls regarding international road transport operations. For the sake of legal certainty, such a moratorium should remain in force at least until the infringement proceedings initiated by the European Commission have been finalised. Furthermore, clear and enforceable rules on how to apply the Posting of Workers Directive, especially in a highly mobile sector like road transport, must be established in the European Commission’s upcoming legislative initiative. I thank you for your attention to this matter of great concern to us, and remain, Yours sincerely, O Umberto de Pretto Secretary General IRU 32»34 avenue de Tervueren Bte 17 8-1040 Brussels Belgium +32-2~743 25 80 (tel) +32›2-743 25 99 (fax) [email protected]

3. iru.org Mrs Andrea Nahles Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Federal Minister of Employment and Social Affairs Wilhelmstrasse 49 10117 Berlin GERMANY By email and post CTM/BR1042131/UDP Brussels, 22 November 2016 CALL FOR MORATORIUM ON MINIMUM WAGE CONTROLS Dear Minister Nahles, As the world’s road transport organisation, IRU has repeatedly voiced its concerns regarding the practical implications of the German law introducing a minimum wage and other obligations on national and cross-border road freight and passenger transport operations (MiLoG). MiLoG’s provisions represent an immense and unprecedented additional administrative and financial burden for road transport operators, especially those based outside Germany. These German national measures are also subject to infringement proceedings by the European Commission on the grounds of their proportionality. Such measures will have a profound impact on the industry, and therefore, before MiLoG is introduced, it is crucial to provide road transport operators with sufficient information and a reasonable transition period, as the lack of practical guidance on how they should comply with the new law continues to be an additional source of concern. Consequently, I am writing to inform you that during the meetings of the IRU Passenger Transport Council and IRU Goods Transport Council, held on 3 November 2016, IRU members decided to call on German authorities to introduce an immediate moratorium on the MiLoG controls regarding international road transport operations. For the sake of Iegal certainty, such a moratorium should remain in force at least until the infringement proceedings initiated by the European Commission have been finalised. Furthermore, clear and enforceable rules on how to apply the Posting of Workers Directive, especially in a highly mobile sector like road transport, must be established in the European Commission's upcoming legislative initiative. I thank you for your attention to this matter of great concern to us, and remain, Yours sincerely, (M. Umberto de Pretto Secretary General IRU 32-34 avenue de Tervueren Bte 17 В-1040 Brussels Belgium +32—2»743 25 80 (tel) +32-2-743 25 99 (fax) [email protected]

5. iru.org Herr Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble MdB Bundesministerium der Finanzen Federal Minister of Finance Wilhelmstrasse 97 10117 Berlin Postantschrift: 11016 Berlin GERMANY By email and post CTM/BR1042165/UDP Brussels, 22 November 2016 CALL FOR MORATORIUM ON MINIMUM WAGE CONTROLS Dear Minister Schäuble, As the world’s road transport organisation, IRU has repeatedly voiced its concerns regarding the practical implications of the German law introducing a minimum wage and other obligations on national and cross-border road freight and passenger transport operations (MiLoG). MiLoG’s provisions represent an immense and unprecedented additional administrative and financial burden for road transport operators, especially those based outside Germany. These German national measures are also subject to infringement proceedings by the European Commission on the grounds of their proportionality. Such measures will have a profound impact on the industry, and therefore, before MiLoG is introduced, it is crucial to provide road transport operators with sufficient information and a reasonable transition period, as the lack of practical guidance on how they should comply with the new law continues to be an additional source of concern. Consequently, I am writing to inform you that during the meetings of the IRU Passenger Transport Council and IRU Goods Transport Council, held on 3 November 2016, IRU members decided to call on German authorities to introduce an immediate moratorium on the MiLoG controls regarding international road transport operations. For the sake of legal certainty, such a moratorium should remain in force at least until the infringement proceedings initiated by the European Commission have been finalised. Furthermore, clear and enforceable rules on how to apply the Posting of Workers Directive, especially in a highly mobile sector like road transport, must be established in the European Commission’s upcoming legislative initiative. I thank you for your attention to this matter of great concern to us, and remain, Yours sincerely, ( Umberto de Pretto Secretary General IRU 32-34 avenue deTervueren Bte17 84040 Brussels Belgium +32_2.743 25 80 (tel) +32›2-743 25 99 (fax) brusse|[email protected]

6. iru.org Monsieur Alain Vidalies Secrétaire d'état aux Transports Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement et de I'Energie Grande Arche Tour Pascal A et B 92055 - LA DEFENSE Cedex France Par mail et courrier CTM/BR1042131/UDP Bruxelles, 22 novembre 2016 APPEL À UN MORATOIRE SUR LES CONTROLES DU SALAIRE MINIMUM Monsieur le Secrétaire d’Etat, IRU, qui représente les transporteurs routiers dans le monde entier, a, à plusieurs reprises, fait part de ses préoccupations concernant les implications pratiques de la loi française qui introduit un salaire minimum et un certain nombre d'autres obligations pour le transport national et transfrontalier de fret et de passagers (Loi Macron). Les dispositions de la Loi Macron constituent une immense charge administrative et financière supplémentaire sans précédent, notamment pour les transporteurs routiers établis en dehors de la France. Ces mesures nationales françaises font également l'objet de procédures d'infraction de la part de la Commission européenne pour des motifs de proportionnalité. En conséquence, lors des réunions du Conseil Transport de personnes et du Conseil Transport de marchandises d'lRU, tenues le 3 novembre 2016, les membres d'lRU ont décidé d'appeler les autorités françaises à décréter un moratoire immédiat sur le contrôle des opérations de transport routier international dans le cadre de la Loi Macron. Par souci de sécurité juridique, ce moratoire devrait rester en vigueur au moins jusqu'à ce que la procédure d'infraction soit finalisée par la Commission européenne. ll est également impératif que des règles claires et exécutoires sur la manière d'appliquer la directive relative au détachement des travailleurs, dans un secteur aussi mobile que le transport routier, soient instaurées dans le cadre des prochaines initiatives législatives de la Commission européenne. En outre, avant d'adopter une mesure ayant une incidence aussi considérable sur la profession, il est indispensable de fournir aux transporteurs routiers les informations essentielles et de leur accorder une période d'adaptation raisonnable. L'absence de directives concrètes pour se conformer à la nouvelle loi constitue en effet pour eux une source d'inquiétude supplémentaire. Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur le Secrétaire d’Etat, l’expression de ma plus haute considération. Umberto de Pretto Secrétaire général lRU 32-34 avenue deTervueren Bte 17 B-1040 Brussels Belgium +32-2-743 25 80 (tel) +32-2-743 25 99 (fax) brussels@‘iru.org


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